
The ENVIRONMENTAL AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AREA of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH), also known as the ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE, is an administrative unit of a consultative and management nature for the protection of the environment and the integration of environmental sustainability in the development of the University, in accordance with the guidelines of the UMH Environmental Policy.

Thus, since 2003, in addition to promoting improvements in the environmental management of the university through the monitoring and control of its environmental aspects (consumption of natural resources, atmospheric emissions, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, etc.), it has been carrying out environmental communication tasks aimed at the entire university community, through training and environmental awareness-raising activities such as the organisation of courses, conferences and campaigns, as well as encouraging participation through environmental volunteering and supporting the achievement of sustainable development, understood as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations’.

The Environmental and Sustainable Development Area depends on the Vice-rectorate for Infrastructures, to whose Vice-rector Pedro G. Vicente Quiles the powers and competences in environmental matters are delegated, and with the assignment of functions for the management of the Area to the Deputy Vice-rector for Material Resources Ramón Peral Orts.

Consult the organisational structure of the Environment and Sustainable Development Area. 

The functions of the Environmental and Sustainable Development Area are aligned with the UMH Environmental Policy and encompass a set of actions that enable the objectives and commitments set out therein to be achieved.

Consult the Functions of the Environmental and Sustainable Development Area.